Our Team


General Manager: Eve Marks

Email: eve@metrorock.com

Eve began climbing in Connecticut about ten years ago, at first competitively, until she realized her passion was coaching. Since then, she's climbed extensively outdoors in Connecticut, and in crags throughout New England. She began her career at Metrorock in 2019 as Head Coach of the Competitive Team, and subsequently the Youth Programs Manager, before becoming General Manager. You'll probably hear her before you see her, cheering on her team members and friends throughout the gym. She's happiest when she's outside sitting in the sun, eating fruit, and with a dog nearby.

Head Setter: Chris St. Pierre

Email: chrisp@metrorock.com

Chris started climbing in 2016 while working at a small climbing gym in his hometown and became obsessed immediately. Having started routesetting less than a year into his climbing career, Chris' passions for his own climbing and for creating climbs for others have been linked since the very beginning.

Chris' favorite places to climb are Rumney, the anew River Gorge, and the Gunks (only for bouldering because trad is scary.)

If you see Chris in the gym be sure to give him all your thoughts and feedback! Whether it's good or bad, he wants to hear it all.

Youth Programs Manager: Bobbie Esposito

Email: bobbie@metrorock.com

In 2019 Bobbie watched “Free Solo” and said- “Huh? I don’t get it”. This led them to an intro to bouldering course, where they quickly fell head over heels with the sport. They’ve spent the last three years immersing themselves in bouldering, which led them to their passion for coaching kids and creating an environment that supports Queer, Disabled, and, Neurodivergent climbers.

Co-Director of Outdoor Programming: Andrew Lackland

Email: programs@metrorock.com

Andrew Lackland started climbing at a gym in New Jersey in 2017. After several years of exploring and growing skills on their own, Andrew went through the process of gaining the American Mountain Guide Association Single Pitch Instructor certification to pursue guiding, officially obtaining the certification in 2023.

Outside of guiding, Andrew has been working as an instructor and coach for MetroRock Bushwick for 2+ years, and outside of climbing is a practicing painter, sculptor, printmaker and drummer! Andrew’s favorite way to spend a day climbing is a long multi-pitch in a beautiful place. <3

Co-Director of Outdoor Programming: Victoria Fitzgerald

Email: programs@metrorock.com

Wanting to push her love of hiking mountains and wanting to explore higher, Victoria started rock climbing around 2016 and never looked back. In 2023, Vic left a career in Law and Conflict Resolution and to pursue her love of climbing and the outdoors full time.

Vic is a coach and instructor at MetroRock Bushwick, and is in the process of becoming an American Mountain Guide Association Single Pitch Instructor & NY State Licensed Guide. In the future she hopes to get her AMGA Multi-Pitch Certification and assist with mountain search & rescue groups.

Her favorite types of climbs involve cracks of all shapes and sizes. If there is a crack, Vic will jam an appendage into it and love it. She also loves long relaxing multi-pitch climbs with a friend or two.